Paul Gillaerts

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paul Gillaerts plays a role.


Let's talk politics: New essays on deliberative rhetoric

Edited by Hilde Van Belle, Kris Rutten, Paul Gillaerts, Dorien Van De Mieroop and Baldwin Van Gorp

[Argumentation in Context, 6] 2014. viii, 208 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Philosophy | Pragmatics


Rutten, Kris, Hilde Van Belle and Paul Gillaerts 2014 Let’s talk politics: IntroductionLet's talk politics: New essays on deliberative rhetoric, Van Belle, Hilde, Kris Rutten, Paul Gillaerts, Dorien Van De Mieroop and Baldwin Van Gorp (eds.), pp. 3–9 | Article