Averil Coxhead

List of John Benjamins publications for which Averil Coxhead plays a role.


Measuring Native-Speaker Vocabulary Size

I.S.P. Nation and Averil Coxhead

[Not in series, 233] 2021. xiii, 160 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition
Word lists play a critical role in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teaching and learning, and recent developments include lists of academic collocations (e.g., vast majority, ultimate goal). There is however still a gap in evaluating lists focusing on a similar group of lexis. This paper… read more
Ballance, Oliver James and Averil Coxhead 2020 How much vocabulary is needed to use a concordance?International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 25:1, pp. 36–61 | Article
Vocabulary load is a predictor of comprehension and a common concern in relation to learner use of concordances; however, vocabulary load figures for whole texts have limited relevance to learner use of concordances. This paper explores the average vocabulary load of the citations (or lines) in a… read more
This article reports on a classroom intervention where L2 learners were prompted to look for multiword expressions in texts. The participants were two intact classes of Vietnamese learners of English as a foreign language. Over a period of eight weeks, the experimental group (n = 26) looked for… read more
This article reports on a corpus-based study of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) vocabulary. It first provides a vocabulary profile of English-medium Traditional Chinese Medicine textbooks and journal articles using Nation’s (2012) British National Corpus/Corpus of Contemporary American English… read more
Nation, I.S.P., Averil Coxhead, Teresa Mihwa Chung and Quero 2016 Chapter 14: Specialized word listsMaking and Using Word Lists for Language Learning and Testing, Nation, I.S.P., pp. 145–151 | Chapter
Coxhead, Averil 2008 Phraseology and English for academic purposes: Challenges and opportunitiesPhraseology in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching, Meunier, Fanny and Sylviane Granger (eds.), pp. 149–161 | Article
No word is an island. Each word we teach and expect students to learn in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) carries with it many aspects of knowledge including meaning and or meanings, associations, referents, and contexts of use. In recognising that words of a feather seem to flock together,… read more