Alexandra Bagasheva

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexandra Bagasheva plays a role.


Competition in Word-Formation

Edited by Alexandra Bagasheva, Akiko Nagano and Vincent Renner

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 284] 2024. vi, 352 pp.
Subjects Morphology | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Figurativity and Human Ecology

Edited by Alexandra Bagasheva, Bozhil Hristov and Nelly Tincheva

[Figurative Thought and Language, 17] 2022. vi, 307 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Theoretical linguistics
Nagano, Akiko, Alexandra Bagasheva and Vincent Renner 2024 Chapter 1. Towards a competition-based word-formation theory: Core research questions and major hypothesesCompetition in Word-Formation, Bagasheva, Alexandra, Akiko Nagano and Vincent Renner (eds.), pp. 1–31 | Chapter
This chapter provides an overview of the study of competition in word-formation theories, drawing on the findings of the ten chapters collected in this volume and other recent contributions. It explores recurrent issues regarding (i) the triggers and outcomes of competition, (ii) the variety of… read more
Bagasheva, Alexandra and Jesús Fernández-Domínguez 2022 Chapter 4. Fact-checking on compound verbs in EnglishParadigms in Word Formation: Theory and applications, Ruz, Alba E., Cristina Fernández-Alcaina and Cristina Lara-Clares (eds.), pp. 69–98 | Chapter
The creation of compound verbs remains among the most contested phenomena of English word formation and the studies targeting these units have normally portrayed them as inconsistent or almost anomalous. This perception, together with the heterogeneous origins and the contested status of… read more
Bagasheva, Alexandra, Bozhil Hristov and Nelly Tincheva 2022 Introduction: Figurativity in human ecologyFigurativity and Human Ecology, Bagasheva, Alexandra, Bozhil Hristov and Nelly Tincheva (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Chapter
Bagasheva, Alexandra 2014 Compound verbs in English and Bulgarian and the relativity debateMultilingual Cognition and Language Use: Processing and typological perspectives, Filipović, Luna and Martin Pütz (eds.), pp. 97–120 | Article
In this chapter we argue that the constraints regulating the characteristic products of word-formation processes in different languages showcase the Whorfian principle at work. The structure-centered analysis of the differences in the creation and usage of compound verbs in English and Bulgarian… read more