Rachel Giora

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rachel Giora plays a role.


Book series

Giora, Rachel 2022 Defaultness vs. constructionism: The case of default constructional sarcasm and default non-constructional literalnessDynamism in Metaphor and Beyond, Colston, Herbert L., Teenie Matlock and Gerard J. Steen (eds.), pp. 305–324 | Chapter
Default responses play a major role in affecting processing, pleasantness, and cueing of nondefault alternatives. Default responses are activated automatically, initially and directly, faster than nondefault counterparts, irrespective of degree of negation, novelty, nonliteralness, or contextual… read more
This paper demonstrates that, when interpretation is at stake, it is only degree of defaultness that matters. Neither degree of Negation, nor degree of Affirmation, nor equal degree of Novelty, nor equal degree of Literalness/Nonliteralness, nor equal strength of Contextual support, whether… read more
Givoni, Shir, Dafna Bergerbest and Rachel Giora 2021 On figurative ambiguity, marking, and low-salience meaningsFigurative Language – Intersubjectivity and Usage, Soares da Silva, Augusto (ed.), pp. 241–284 | Chapter
This paper discusses the phenomenon of marked ambiguation, when more than one meaning of an ambiguity is simultaneously applicable, and outlines an account for such marking within the Low-Salience Marking Hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, ambiguity markers (e.g., double entendre, in the… read more
The paper focuses on discourse production. It shows that language production unfolds via resonating (Du Bois, 2014) with default interpretations. Default interpretations are defined as automatic responses. However, for an automatic response to be considered a default, it has to be (i) novel;… read more
Giora, Rachel, Inbal Jaffe, Israela Becker and Ofer Fein 2018 Strongly attenuating highly positive concepts: The case of default sarcastic interpretationsIssues in Humour Cognition, Dynel, Marta (ed.), pp. 19–47 | Article
What are the constraints rendering stimuli, such as Alert he is not; He is not the most organized person around; Hospitality is not his best attribute; Do you really believe you are sophisticated? sarcastic by default? Recent findings (Filik, Howman, Ralph-Nearman, & Giora, in press; Giora et al. read more
Giora, Rachel, Dalia Meytes, Ariela Tamir, Shir Givoni, Vered Heruti and Ofer Fein 2017 Chapter 10. Defaultness shines while affirmation pales: On idioms, sarcasm, and pleasureIrony in Language Use and Communication, Athanasiadou, Angeliki and Herbert L. Colston (eds.), pp. 219–236 | Chapter
The Defaultness Hypothesis (Giora et al., 2015c) maintains that it is Defaultness that reigns supreme, superseding all factors known to affect processing initially, such as degree of Non/literalness, Nonsalience, Context strength, or Affirmation. Here we focus on weighing degree of Defaultness… read more
Giora, Rachel, Ari Drucker and Ofer Fein 2014 Resonating with default nonsalient interpretations: A corpus-based study of negative sarcasmNew Perspectives on Utterance Interpretation and Implicit Contents, Rossi, Daniela and Nicolas Ruytenbeek (eds.), pp. 3–18 | Article
Based on natural language use, we examine the contextual environment of some negative constructions (e.g., Punctuality is not her forte/best attribute). Previous findings show that, as predicted by the view of default nonliteral interpretations, such negative constructions are interpreted… read more
Giora, Rachel 2011 IronyPragmatics in Practice, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 159–176 | Article
Giora, Rachel 2011 Will anticipating irony facilitate it immediately?The Pragmatics of Humour across Discourse Domains, Dynel, Marta (ed.), pp. 19–32 | Article
This research paper reports findings of eight studies looking into the processes involved in making sense of context-based (ironic) versus salience-based (nonironic) interpretations, the latter relying on the lexicalised and cognitively prominent meanings of the utterances’ constituents. The aim of… read more
Giora, Rachel 2011 In defense of commonalityThe Future of Scientific Studies in Literature, pp. 104–112 | Article
Looking into our individual differences, either as a group (e.g., women; Israelis who support boycotts of Israel) or as a particular human being is important and interesting. Despite assuming commonalities, the persistent quest for the uniqueness of the individual, however, is instrumental in… read more
Hasson, Uri and Rachel Giora 2007 Experimental methods for studying the mental representation of languageMethods in Cognitive Linguistics, Gonzalez-Marquez, Monica, Irene Mittelberg, Seana Coulson and Michael J. Spivey (eds.), pp. 302–322 | Article
Giora, Rachel 2002 15. Masking one’s themes: Irony and the politics of indirectnessThematics: Interdisciplinary Studies, Louwerse, Max M. and Willie van Peer (eds.), pp. 283–300 | Chapter
Giora, Rachel 2001 Irony and its discontentThe Psychology and Sociology of Literature: In honor of Elrud Ibsch, Schram, Dick and Gerard J. Steen (eds.), pp. 165–184 | Article
Giora, Rachel and Noga Balaban 2001 Lexical access in text production: On the role of salience in metaphor resonanceText Representation: Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects, Sanders, Ted J.M., Joost Schilperoord and Wilbert Spooren (eds.), pp. 111–124 | Article
Giora, Rachel 2000 IronyHandbook of Pragmatics: 1998 Installment, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Article
Giora, Rachel and Cher Leng Lee 1996 Written Discourse Segmentation: The Funtion of Unstressed Pronouns in Mandarin ChineseReference and Referent Accessibility, Fretheim, Thorstein and Jeanette K. Gundel (eds.), pp. 113–140 | Article