Claudia Zanini

List of John Benjamins publications for which Claudia Zanini plays a role.

Weight-loss efforts have grown more prevalent worldwide. But diets are linked to perception of dissatisfaction, sacrifice and general reduction of pleasure. This paper examines the hypothesis that commercial diets attract consumers by presenting argumentation that appeals to and addresses the… read more
Zanini, Claudia and Esther González-Martínez 2015 Talking to/through the baby to produce and manage disaffiliation during well-child visitsProducing and Managing Restricted Activities: Avoidance and withholding in institutional interaction, Chevalier, Fabienne H.G. and John Moore (eds.), pp. 305–336 | Article
Relying on multimodal conversation analysis, this chapter examines the sequential and collaborative deployment of talking to/through the baby to produce and manage disaffiliation during well-child visits. We argue that this practice is oriented to and constitutes disaffiliation as a restricted… read more
Rubinelli, Sara and Claudia Zanini 2014 Teaching argumentation theory to doctors: Why and whatArgumentation and Health, Rubinelli, Sara and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans (eds.), pp. 66–80 | Article
This paper supports the need for health professionals to be trained in argumentation theory, by illustrating the challenges that they face in interacting with patients and according to the different models of consultation that patients prefer. While there is no ideal model of consultation that can… read more
Rubinelli, Sara and Claudia Zanini 2012 Teaching argumentation theory to doctors: Why and whatArgumentation and Health, Rubinelli, Sara and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans (eds.), pp. 66–80 | Article
This paper supports the need for health professionals to be trained in argumentation theory, by illustrating the challenges that they face in interacting with patients and according to the different models of consultation that patients prefer. While there is no ideal model of consultation that can… read more