Benjamin Lyngfelt

List of John Benjamins publications for which Benjamin Lyngfelt plays a role.


Quo Vadis, Construction Grammar?

Edited by Hans C. Boas, Jaakko Leino and Benjamin Lyngfelt

Special issue of Constructions and Frames 16:2 (2024) v, 177 pp.

Constructional Approaches to Nordic Languages

Edited by Evie Coussé, Steffen Höder, Benjamin Lyngfelt and Julia Prentice

[Constructional Approaches to Language, 37] 2023. v, 278 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Constructicography: Constructicon development across languages

Edited by Benjamin Lyngfelt, Lars Borin, Kyoko Ohara and Tiago Timponi Torrent

[Constructional Approaches to Language, 22] 2018. viii, 313 pp.
Subjects Lexicography | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Demoting the Agent: Passive, middle and other voice phenomena

Edited by Benjamin Lyngfelt and Torgrim Solstad

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 96] 2006. x, 333 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Generative linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Boas, Hans C., Jaakko Leino and Benjamin Lyngfelt 2024 Constructionist views on Construction GrammarQuo Vadis, Construction Grammar?, Boas, Hans C., Jaakko Leino and Benjamin Lyngfelt (eds.), pp. 169–190 | Introduction
Coussé, Evie, Steffen Höder, Benjamin Lyngfelt and Julia Prentice 2023 Chapter 1. Introduction: Nordic languages and construction grammarConstructional Approaches to Nordic Languages, Coussé, Evie, Steffen Höder, Benjamin Lyngfelt and Julia Prentice (eds.), pp. 1–23 | Chapter
Lyngfelt, Benjamin 2018 Chapter 1. Introduction: Constructicons and constructicographyConstructicography: Constructicon development across languages, Lyngfelt, Benjamin, Lars Borin, Kyoko Ohara and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Chapter
A constructicon is on the one hand a theoretical conception of language as a structured inventory of constructions, and on the other hand a collection of construction descriptions, essentially a practical instantiation of the former concept. In this introductory chapter, we review the role of these… read more
Lyngfelt, Benjamin, Linnéa Bäckström, Lars Borin, Anna Ehrlemark and Rudolf Rydstedt 2018 Chapter 3. Constructicography at work: Theory meets practice in the Swedish constructiconConstructicography: Constructicon development across languages, Lyngfelt, Benjamin, Lars Borin, Kyoko Ohara and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 41–106 | Chapter
This chapter addresses central topics in constructicography from the viewpoint of the Swedish constructicon project (SweCcn), focusing on practical constructicon development. The full process of construction description is described and discussed, from selection via corpus analysis to finished… read more
Lyngfelt, Benjamin, Tiago Timponi Torrent, Adrieli Laviola, Linnéa Bäckström, Anna Helga Hannesdóttir and Ely Edison da Silva Matos 2018 Chapter 9. Aligning constructicons across languages: A trilingual comparison between English, Swedish, and Brazilian PortugueseConstructicography: Constructicon development across languages, Lyngfelt, Benjamin, Lars Borin, Kyoko Ohara and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 255–302 | Chapter
This chapter addresses interlingual relations between constructions. The perspective is contrastive rather than typological, with an aim towards multilingual constructicon development. Building on previous work on the alignment of frame-based multilingual lexical databases, we explore possibilities… read more
Bäckström, Linnéa, Benjamin Lyngfelt and Emma Sköldberg 2014 Towards interlingual constructicography: On correspondence between constructicon resources for English and SwedishFrames, constructions, and computation, Borin, Lars, Gerard de Melo, Karin Friberg Heppin and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 9–33 | Article
This article addresses the possibility of linking constructicon resources for different languages, in particular English and Swedish. The entries in Berkeley’s English constructicon have been compared to Swedish, with a focus on potential correspondences in a Swedish constructicon. In most cases,… read more
Forsberg, Markus, Richard Johansson, Linnéa Bäckström, Lars Borin, Benjamin Lyngfelt, Joel Olofsson and Julia Prentice 2014 From construction candidates to constructicon entries: An experiment using semi-automatic methods for identifying constructions in corporaFrames, constructions, and computation, Borin, Lars, Gerard de Melo, Karin Friberg Heppin and Tiago Timponi Torrent (eds.), pp. 114–135 | Article
We present an experiment where natural language processing tools are used to automatically identify potential constructions in a corpus. The experiment was conducted as part of the ongoing efforts to develop a Swedish constructicon. Using an automatic method to suggest constructions has advantages… read more
This paper discusses the classification of null instantiation phenomena in Construction Grammar and proposes a different treatment of so-called free null instantiation (FNI). Based on e.g. control data, different types of alleged FNI are shown to be more accurately classified as definite (adjunct… read more
Lyngfelt, Benjamin 2009 Control phenomenaHandbook of Pragmatics: 2009 Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 1–21 | Article
Lyngfelt, Benjamin 2009 Control phenomenaGrammar, Meaning and Pragmatics, Brisard, Frank, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 33–49 | Article
Based on an extensive corpus study, this paper presents an overview of control patterns in Swedish infinitives and sketches a CxG account of the data. To capture the variety of control relations encountered, the approach combines elements of traditional CxG, Frame Semantics, and Sign-Based… read more
Solstad, Torgrim and Benjamin Lyngfelt 2006 Perspectives on demotion: Introduction to the volumeDemoting the Agent: Passive, middle and other voice phenomena, Lyngfelt, Benjamin and Torgrim Solstad (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Article