Hanna Fischer
List of John Benjamins publications for which Hanna Fischer plays a role.
Chapter 4. The development of the perfect in selected Middle and New Germanic languages Perfects in Indo-European Languages and Beyond, Crellin, Robert and Thomas Jügel (eds.), pp. 95–122 | Chapter
2020 This article gives an overview of the most important similarities and differences in perfect constructions in modern Germanic languages. The focus is on the German present perfect form and its developments, which will be compared with the perfect constructions of English and Dutch (West Germanic)… read more
How to get lost: The Präteritumschwund in German dialects Morphological Variation: Theoretical and empirical perspectives, Dammel, Antje and Oliver Schallert (eds.), pp. 197–222 | Chapter
2019 The loss of the preterite forms in German dialects has a specific areal distribution that mirrors the historical process in space. The article discusses the areal distribution of the loss on the basis of dialectological data and outlines the underlying process, the semantic and functional expansion… read more