M. Silvia Micheli

List of John Benjamins publications for which M. Silvia Micheli plays a role.


L’articolo delinea un profilo della formazione di parola dell’italiano a partire dai primi anni Duemila, sulla base di un repertorio di neoformazioni attestate negli ultimi due decenni. L’analisi conferma alcune tendenze già identificate da studi precedenti, tra cui la preminenza della… read more
This paper provides a corpus-based analysis of compounding in Old Italian. The semantic and formal properties of compound words attested in Old Italian are described and discussed through the theoretical tools provided by Construction Morphology. The analysis confirms that compounding is… read more
In this paper, we provide an extensive analysis of the formal features displayed by Italian diminutives (especially allomorphy) by using surface alternation patterns automatically extracted from a dataset of base-diminutive pairs. Applying the theoretical tools provided by Construction… read more