Takahiro Morita
List of John Benjamins publications for which Takahiro Morita plays a role.
Chapter 3. Linguistic representations of visual motion: A crosslinguistic experimental study Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description: Deixis, asymmetries, constructions, Sarda, Laure and Benjamin Fagard (eds.), pp. 43–67 | Chapter
2022 Linguistic expressions of visual motion (e.g., look into the building) in ten languages are compared, based on a crosslinguistic production experiment. We examine how linguistic representations of visual motion are typologically akin to those of self- and caused motion events. The results… read more
Chapter 2. What does deixis tell us about motion typology? Linguistic or cultural variations of speakers’ “here” space vis-à-vis perceived physical events Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description: Deixis, asymmetries, constructions, Sarda, Laure and Benjamin Fagard (eds.), pp. 25–41 | Chapter
2022 This chapter discusses whether Deixis is genuinely a subcomponent of Path, as defined in Talmy’s motion typology. Although previous studies have already pointed out several characteristics of Deixis that distinguish it from other non-Deictic Path components, its typological status remains vague… read more
Chapter 6. Attraction of attention in perceived motion events weighed against typology and cognitive cost: An experimental study of French Broader Perspectives on Motion Event Descriptions, Matsumoto, Yo and Kazuhiro Kawachi (eds.), pp. 181–204 | Chapter
2020 This chapter explores construction types and the frequency of the use of optional syntactic elements in French motion descriptions. In Talmy’s typology on Satellite- vs. Verb-framed languages, French is characterized as using the construction type of verb-framed languages for motion events, and… read more
An RRG approach to French complementation patterns:
2008 Some operator constraints on the logical structure
Investigations of the Syntax–Semantics–Pragmatics Interface, Van Valin Jr., Robert D. (ed.), pp. 337–357 | ArticleThe aim of this paper is, in the framework of rrg (Van Valin & La Polla 1997; Van Valin 2005), to propose some operator constraints on the logical structure of complement taking predicates in French, in particular the class of propositional attitude (BELIEVE class, croire) and that of volition… read more