Rens Vliegenthart

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rens Vliegenthart plays a role.


Sciarini, Pascal, Anke Tresch and Rens Vliegenthart 2020 Political agenda-setting and -building in small consensus democracies: Relationships between media and parliament in the Netherlands and SwitzerlandMass Media Effects and the Political Agenda: Assessing its Scope and Conditions, Belchior, Ana Maria, Peter Van Aelst, José Santana-Pereira and Patrick Merle (eds.), pp. 109–134 | Article
This paper analyzes the mutual influence between media and political agendas in the Netherlands and Switzerland. While these two countries share a number of similarities, they also exhibit some important differences (e.g. the frequency of parliamentary meetings) that are likely to affect the… read more
Walgrave, Stefaan and Rens Vliegenthart 2020 Conclusion: Lessons learnt and how to move forwardMass Media Effects and the Political Agenda: Assessing its Scope and Conditions, Belchior, Ana Maria, Peter Van Aelst, José Santana-Pereira and Patrick Merle (eds.), pp. 162–169 | Conclusion