Constanza Ihnen Jory
List of John Benjamins publications for which Constanza Ihnen Jory plays a role.
Deliberating over legislative ends: An inventory of goal-(de)legitimizing argument schemes Journal of Argumentation in Context 9:3, pp. 399–427 | Article
2020 This paper outlines a non-exhaustive inventory of presumptive argument schemes that can be used by legislators to rationally argue for and against the legitimacy of legislative ends. The inventory has both a descriptive and normative dimension. The inventory is descriptive because it is partly… read more
On combining pragma-dialectics with critical discourse analysis Keeping in touch with Pragma-Dialectics: In honor of Frans H. van Eemeren, Feteris, Eveline T., Bart Garssen and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans (eds.), pp. 231–244 | Article