Arend Quak

List of John Benjamins publications for which Arend Quak plays a role.


Zur Phonologie und Morphologie des Altniederländischen

Herausgegeben von Rolf H. Bremmer, Jr. und Arend Quak

[NOWELE Supplement Series, 7] 1992. iv, 123 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Morphology | Phonology
Quak, Arend 2025 Frauennamen in alten niederländischen OrtsnamenGermanic Interrelations: Studies in memory of Hans Frede Nielsen, Laker, Stephen, Carla Falluomini, Steffen Krogh, Robert Nedoma and Michael Schulte (eds.), pp. 294–301 | Chapter
Place-names with the names of women as a first element are rather rare in the early medieval Dutch speaking areas. In all we have found twenty examples and one that is not sure. Only in one of the examples do we find a term for a manor (hof), all others refer to rural items such as meadows,… read more
Bremmer, Jr., Rolf H. und Arend Quak 1992 VorwortZur Phonologie und Morphologie des Altniederländischen, Bremmer, Jr., Rolf H. und Arend Quak (Hrsg.), p.  | Article