Laurie Makin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Laurie Makin plays a role.


If we are to ensure that language and communication skills for national needs are developed through education, then we cannot afford to neglect the existing language resources which Australia’s children bring to early childhood and primary school programs. Conservation of these resources can range… read more
Makin, Laurie 1992 Language teachers by necessity, not choice: Early childhood teachers in a multilingual societyLanguage Teaching and Learning in Australia, Mann, Chris and Richard B. Baldauf, Jr. † (eds.), pp. 33–48 | Article
More than 90 different languages are spoken in Australia, and approximately 14 percent of children in Australia’s schools speak a language other than English at home (Clyne 1988:22). In many classrooms, between 70 and 100 percent of children fall into this category, particularly at their entry… read more