Melisa Stevanovic
List of John Benjamins publications for which Melisa Stevanovic plays a role.
Requests for concrete actions in interaction: How support workers manage client participation in mental health rehabilitation Pragmatics 34:2, pp. 190–214 | Article
2024 In this study, we examine how support workers produce requests for concrete actions and, in this way, manage client participation in mental health rehabilitation. Drawing on Finnish rehabilitation group meetings as data and on conversation analysis, we examine how support workers design their… read more
A different perspective on epistemics and deontics: Conveying story evaluation through the construction of status-stance relations via direct reported speech Narrative Inquiry: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 Thus far, few studies have investigated the evaluative points narrators may convey through the sequential features of reported exchanges in their stories. In this article, we conduct a micro-oriented narrative analysis on how epistemic and deontic status-stance relations are depicted by… read more
Epistemic calibration: Achieving affiliation through access claims and generalizations Pragmatics 32:3, pp. 354–380 | Article
2022 Sometimes a division has been made between expressions of knowledge and expressions of emotion, but in the actual instances of interaction, they are deeply intertwined. In this paper we investigate the relationship between these expressions through the notions of affiliation and epistemics. More… read more
Challenges of trust in atypical interaction Pragmatics and Society 13:1, pp. 107–125 | Article
2022 All effective communication is based on the participants trusting that they share their basic orientations to the world – that is, they have a common ground. In this paper, however, we examine situations in which such trust is lacking. Drawing on conversation–analytic methodology and on 30 hours… read more
Emotion, psychophysiology, and intersubjectivity Intersubjectivity in Action: Studies in language and social interaction, Lindström, Jan K., Ritva Laury, Anssi Peräkylä and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 303–327 | Chapter
2021 Conversation analytical studies on emotion show how expression of emotion is part of the intersubjective experience. Emotions, however, are as much physiological as experiential events. Physiological processes pertaining to emotion involve changes in cardiovascular activity, in the activation of… read more
Movement synchrony as a topic of empirical social interaction research Intersubjectivity in Action: Studies in language and social interaction, Lindström, Jan K., Ritva Laury, Anssi Peräkylä and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 329–346 | Chapter
2021 In this chapter, we consider movement synchrony from two different perspectives. On the one hand, we report a small-scale empirical study to test the hypothesis that movement synchrony is a sequential phenomenon, which serves as a demonstration of how conversation analytically informed research… read more
Chapter 5. Mobilizing student compliance: On the directive use of Finnish second-person declaratives and interrogatives during violin instruction Mobilizing Others: Grammar and lexis within larger activities, Taleghani-Nikazm, Carmen, Emma Betz and Peter Golato (eds.), pp. 115–146 | Chapter
2020 Drawing on video-recorded violin lessons as data, the article describes the violin teacher’s use of Finnish second-person declarative and interrogative directives in mobilizing student compliance. The data show that the declarative directives are regularly used when (1) the student is already… read more
Chapter 12. Managing compliance in violin instruction: The case of the Finnish clitic particles -pA and - pAs in imperatives and hortatives Imperative Turns at Talk: The design of directives in action, Sorjonen, Marja-Leena, Liisa Raevaara and Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen (eds.), pp. 357–380 | Chapter
2017 The chapter considers the verbal design of Finnish second-person singular imperative and first-person plural hortative turns, asking whether and how those turns where there is a clitic particle -pA or -pAs attached to the finite verb differ from the non-cliticized turns, and whether -pA and -pAs… read more
Constructing a proposal as a thought: A way to manage problems in the initiation of joint decision-making in finnish workplace interaction Approaches to grammar for interactional linguistics, pp. 519–544 | Article
2013 Drawing on fifteen video-recorded planning meetings as data, and on conversation analysis as a method, I examine the interactional import of the common Finnish practice of constructing a proposal as a thought. As a point of departure, I consider two different types of conditional utterances in… read more