Although the US Southwest region has a long history of language contact between English and Spanish, the literature has provided mixed evidence for contact-induced language changes. The present study adds to this body of work with a variationist analysis of subject position with intransitive… read more
Given exposure to hegemonic language ideologies from multiple sources and actors in larger society, a key component of critical language awareness (CLA) pedagogy is to raise students’ critical consciousness about them. Therefore, the present study examines how seven Spanish heritage language… read more
El estudio empírico de la sociofonética del español en contacto con otras lenguas ha aumentado en la última década. Siguiendo con esta área de investigación, el presente estudio examina la aspiración de las oclusivas sordas en el español guatemalteco comparando los factores (extra-)lingüísticos… read more
While most Romance languages have only one morphological form for the imperfect subjunctive, Spanish exhibits variation between two morphological paradigms: -ra and -se. The present study investigated the distribution of these forms according to linguistic factors in Catalonian Spanish, a variety… read more
Although queer linguistics has long acknowledged the playful use of potentially impolite utterances by LGBT people to build in-group solidarity these practices have not been analyzed from a sociopragmatic approach, nor have they been mentioned in the general pragmatics literature. Responding to… read more