Henrik Gottlieb

List of John Benjamins publications for which Henrik Gottlieb plays a role.


(Multi) Media Translation: Concepts, practices, and research

Edited by Yves Gambier and Henrik Gottlieb

[Benjamins Translation Library, 34] 2001. xx, 298 pp.
Subjects Translation Studies
Gottlieb, Henrik 2012 Chapter 8. Phraseology in flux: Danish Anglicisms beneath the surfaceThe Anglicization of European Lexis, Furiassi, Cristiano, Virginia Pulcini and Félix Rodríguez González (eds.), pp. 169–198 | Article
Today, single-word lexical borrowings are merely the tip of the iceberg of English impact. Thus, the notion of Anglicism should encompass all language features either adopted from English, adapted from English, or inspired by English, used in intralingual communication in another language. This… read more
Gottlieb, Henrik 2004 Language-political implications of subtitlingTopics in Audiovisual Translation, Orero, Pilar (ed.), pp. 83–100 | Article
Gambier, Yves and Henrik Gottlieb 2001 Multimedia, Multilingua: Multiple Challenges(Multi) Media Translation: Concepts, practices, and research, Gambier, Yves and Henrik Gottlieb (eds.), pp. viii–xx | Miscellaneous
Gottlieb, Henrik 2001 Anglicisms and TV Subtitles in an Anglified World(Multi) Media Translation: Concepts, practices, and research, Gambier, Yves and Henrik Gottlieb (eds.), pp. 249–258 | Article