Kristján Árnason

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kristján Árnason plays a role.


Árnason, Kristján 2016 Vernacular and classical strands in Icelandic poetics and grammar in the Middle AgesGrammarians, Skalds and Rune Carvers II, Schulte, Michael and Robert Nedoma (eds.), pp. 191–235 | Article
Medieval Icelandic grammar and poetics based their analysis, to a great extent, on traditional Nordic scholarship. In poetics, Snorra Edda was central, but insights from Classical learning were used to supplement it in the Third and the Fourth Grammatical Treatises. A comparison between Snorri’s… read more
Árnason, Kristján 2003 IcelandicGermanic Standardizations: Past to Present, Deumert, Ana and Wim Vandenbussche (eds.), pp. 245–279 | Article