Scholastica Wai Sze Lam
List of John Benjamins publications for which Scholastica Wai Sze Lam plays a role.
Acquisition of Chinese relative clauses by deaf children in Hong Kong Language and Linguistics 18:1, pp. 72–115 | Article
2017 This paper is a study of how deaf children in Hong Kong acquire Chinese relative clauses. The relative clause is reported to be a difficult structure for deaf children (Friedmann & Szterman 2006). While it may be true for postnominal relative clauses, it is unclear whether prenominal relative… read more
Acquisition of Simultaneous Constructions by Deaf Children of Hong Kong Sign Language Simultaneity in Signed Languages: Form and function, Vermeerbergen, Myriam, Lorraine Leeson and Onno A. Crasborn (eds.), pp. 283–316 | Article