Peter Richardson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Richardson plays a role.

Mueller, Charles M., Peter Richardson and Stephen Pihlaja 2024 A mental spaces analysis of religious identity discourseBringing Figurative Language into Real L2 Classrooms: The challenges of empirical testing, Piquer-Píriz, Ana M. and Reyes Llopis-García (eds.), pp. 541–563 | Article
Religious identity is often viewed as a relatively stable construct, reflecting an individual’s personal worldview. However, individuals living within modern multi-cultural societies often must engage in extensive reflection to orient themselves to faith traditions in ways that are coherent and… read more
Mueller, Charles M. and Peter Richardson 2022 Talking about oneself: Effects of personalized prompts on L2 learners’ speechJournal of Second Language Studies 5:2, pp. 344–363 | Article
Second language instructors often have students talk about their own experiences rather than abstract impersonal topics. Intuitively, such topics seem more likely to encourage student engagement. Unfortunately, virtually no empirical research has examined the effects of personal prompts on… read more
Recent studies of metaphor usage (e.g., Cameron, 2011; Semino et al., 2013) have shifted focus from relatively static mappings between source and target domains towards an emphasis on how metaphors are appropriated and recontextualized across different genres to convey new meanings and serve new… read more
This paper seeks to extend the focus of previous analyses of agency and metaphor in Christianity and Buddhism (Charteris-Black 2017; Chilton 2004; Richardson 2012; Richardson & Nagashima 2018) by comparing the results of a previous cognitive linguistic analysis of John 14:6 (Kövecses 2011) with… read more
Richardson, Peter and Miori Nagashima 2018 Perceptions of danger and co-occurring metaphors in Buddhist dhamma talks and Christian sermonsTranscategoriality: A crosslinguistic perspective, Hancil, Sylvie, Danh Thành Do-Hurinville and Huy Linh Dao (eds.), pp. 133–154 | Article
This article focuses on an analysis of the perception of danger in a sample of conservative Evangelical Christian sermons and Thai Forest Tradition dhamma talks. Through the analysis of keywords, frames, conceptual metaphors, and patterns of agency in the use of metaphor, it seeks to explore how… read more
Richardson, Peter 2017 Pihlaja, S. (2014). Antagonism on YouTube: Metaphor in Online Discourse Metaphor in Religion and Spirituality, Pihlaja, Stephen (ed.), pp. 152–157 | Review
This article investigates examples of the blocking or development of empathy in videoed discussions between three pairs of conservative Muslim and Christian believers. The analysis focusses on the use of figurative language in the discussions with the aim of identifying examples of metaphor… read more
Committed, conservative Christians and Muslims are often characterised by a perceived sense of the absolute certainty of their beliefs. This certainty and the seemingly rigid nature of what they believe (including notions such as judgement and eternal punishment) often bring them into a degree of… read more