Lucas Nunes Vieira

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lucas Nunes Vieira plays a role.

Machine translation (MT) tools are widely available. They may be present in different spaces in ways that consumers of the content do not necessarily control or realise, and research to date has paid little attention to these human-MT encounters. This article draws on the philosophy of… read more
Vieira, Lucas Nunes, Carol O'Sullivan, Xiaochun Zhang and Minako O'Hagan 2023 Privacy and everyday users of machine translationTranslation Spaces 12:1, pp. 21–44 | Article
The concept of privacy is central to technology use, but in machine translation (MT) research the meaning of privacy, and what it represents to everyday MT users, are both often left unquestioned. This article examines user conceptualisations of privacy and their implications for the… read more
Vieira, Lucas Nunes, Valentina Ragni and Elisa Alonso 2021 Translator autonomy in the age of behavioural dataTranslation, Cognition & Behavior 4:1, pp. 124–146 | Article
Translation behaviour is increasingly tracked to benchmark productivity, to calculate pay or to automate project management decisions. Although in many cases these practices are commonplace, their effects are surprisingly under-researched. This article investigates the consequences of activity… read more
Vieira, Lucas Nunes 2020 Machine translation in the news: A framing analysis of the written pressFair MT: Towards ethical, sustainable Machine Translation, Moorkens, Joss, Dorothy Kenny and Félix do Carmo (eds.), pp. 98–122 | Article
Machine translation (MT) is now firmly in the public eye. The media can reflect and influence the public perception of MT and, by extension, of translation itself, but the news coverage of MT has to date remained largely unexplored. This study draws on the news framing literature to present an… read more
Vieira, Lucas Nunes 2017 Chapter 6. From process to product: Links between post-editing effort and post-edited qualityTranslation in Transition: Between cognition, computing and technology, Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke and Bartolomé Mesa-Lao (eds.), pp. 161–186 | Chapter
Post-editing of machine translation (MT) is now increasingly implemented in the human translation workflow after studies in both industry and academia have demonstrated the efficacy of this practice. Post-editing still involves open questions, however, such as how best to train post-editors and how… read more