Aaron Yamada

List of John Benjamins publications for which Aaron Yamada plays a role.


While previous studies have analyzed the changing nature of polarity items (PIs) in Latin (see Gianollo 2018, 2020) and the licensing conditions of PIs in modern languages (see Homer 2021), less research has analyzed the diachronic behavior of PIs in the development of the Spanish language. The… read more
Fernández-Mira, Paloma, Emily Morgan, Sam Davidson, Aaron Yamada, Agustina Carando, Kenji Sagae and Claudia H. Sanchez-Gutierrez 2021 Lexical diversity in an L2 Spanish learner corpus: The effect of topic-related variablesInternational Journal of Learner Corpus Research 7:2, pp. 230–258 | Article
This study examines the impact of two topic-related variables (i.e., valence polarity and everyday-life closeness) on the lexical diversity scores (i.e., MTLD) of learners of L2 Spanish at different proficiency levels. The analysis included 3,045 texts written in response to two pairs of prompts… read more