Huub van den Bergh

List of John Benjamins publications for which Huub van den Bergh plays a role.

Effective readers consciously or unconsciously use reading strategies to help them process information on what they read. All readers can benefit from reading strategy instruction but, empirical research on which strategies are effective is lacking. Less is known about reading strategy… read more
Tribushinina, Elena, Huub van den Bergh, Dorit Ravid, Ayhan Aksu-Koç, Marianne Kilani-Schoch, Katharina Korecky-Kröll, Iris Leibovitch-Cohen, Sabine Laaha, Bracha Nir, Wolfgang U. Dressler and Steven Gillis 2014 Development of adjective frequencies across semantic classes: A growth curve analysis of child speech and child-directed speechLanguage, Interaction and Acquisition 5:2, pp. 185–226 | Article
This paper is a longitudinal investigation of adjective use by children aged 1;8−2;8, speaking Dutch, German, French, Hebrew, and Turkish, and by their caregivers. Each adjective token in transcripts of spontaneous speech was coded for semantic class. The development of adjective use in each… read more
Veen, Rosie van, Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul, Ted J.M. Sanders and Huub van den Bergh 2014 “Why? Because I’m talking to you!” Parental input and cognitive complexity as determinants of children’s connective acquisitionThe Pragmatics of Discourse Coherence: Theories and applications, Gruber, Helmut and Gisela Redeker (eds.), pp. 209–242 | Article
We report a series of longitudinal studies on children’s acquisition of Dutch, English and German causal connectives supporting a model in which children’s cognitive development, parental input and the cognitive complexity of different types of causality are brought into a systematic… read more
Janssen, Tanja, Martine Braaksma, Gert Rijlaarsdam and Huub van den Bergh 2012 Flexibility in reading literature: Differences between good and poor adolescent readersScientific Study of Literature 2:1, pp. 83–107 | Article
Previous research has shown that adolescent readers differ in their ‘online’ processing of literary texts. Differences were found in the extent to which these readers performed certain (meta)cognitive and affective activities while reading literary texts. However, readers might also differ in… read more
Bergh, Huub van den 2011 Doorlopende Leerlijnen Taal en RekenenTaalbeleid en meertaligheid, pp. 9–16 | Article
In the official report on learning trajectories ('doorlopende leerlijnen') it is specified which achievement level students have to reach at different thresholds in the Dutch educational system: at the change from primary to secondary education, and at the different thresholds from secondary… read more
Le Pichon-Vorstman, Emmanuelle, Henriëtte de Swart, Jacob Vorstman en Huub van den Bergh 2009 Effect of Learning a New Language on Children's Willingness to CommunicateToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 81, pp. 31–40 | Article
The present study was set up to evaluate to what extent multilingual study groups can be considered homogeneous. A series of interviews were conducted to investigate the metacommunicative awareness of 101 children. We compared children who had learned an additional language in a formal context… read more
Weijen, Daphne van, Huub van den Bergh, Gert Rijlaarsdam and Ted J.M. Sanders 2008 Differences in Process and Process-Product Relations in L2 WritingLearning and Teaching L2 Writing, Weijen, Daphne van, Elke Van Steendam and Gert Rijlaarsdam (eds.), pp. 203–226 | Article
This study examines whether writers vary how they write under influence of the changing task situation when writing in a second language (L2) and, if so, whether differences in the way they write are related to variations in text quality. Twenty first year students wrote four texts each in their L2… read more
Schuurs, Uriel en Huub van den Bergh 1991 Geleide Revisie: De Effecten Van Twee Soorten FeedbackSchrijven in moedertaal en vreemde taal, pp. 92–101 | Article
From various studies there is evidence that revision tasks are helpful in the development of writing skills. In order to know more about the mental activities student-writers undertake while revising their own texts, we have made an analysis of 90 writing assignments written and revised by pupils… read more