Anke Beger

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anke Beger plays a role.


How Metaphors Guide, Teach and Popularize Science

Edited by Anke Beger and Thomas H. Smith

[Figurative Thought and Language, 6] 2020. vi, 332 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Communication Studies | Narrative Studies
This chapter analyzes three stops along the life path of the influential metaphor the brain is a computer and the mind is its program. At the first two stops, the philosophers Searle, Hofstadter and Dennett argue about the literal truth of this metaphor in two academic papers. They embed the… read more
Beger, Anke and Thomas H. Smith 2020 Chapter 1. IntroductionHow Metaphors Guide, Teach and Popularize Science, Beger, Anke and Thomas H. Smith (eds.), pp. 1–37 | Chapter
In this introduction, we start by providing an overview of how metaphor makes science accessible (§ 1). The first part describes the intended readership of this book and introduces them to studies of metaphor in science. We then provide the theoretical foundation for the study of metaphor in… read more
Smith, Thomas H. and Anke Beger 2020 Conclusion: When metaphors serve scientific endsHow Metaphors Guide, Teach and Popularize Science, Beger, Anke and Thomas H. Smith (eds.), pp. 297–318 | Chapter
This final chapter uses the metaphor characteristics set forth in the introductory chapter to comment on the individual studies reported here. Where the introductory chapter describes the principles of modern metaphor research that promise to improve access to science, this chapter highlights the… read more
Beger, Anke 2015 Metaphors in psychology genres: Counseling vs. academic lecturesMetaphor in Specialist Discourse, Herrmann, J. Berenike and Tony Berber Sardinha (eds.), pp. 53–76 | Article
This chapter analyzes metaphor use in specialist discourse by comparing anger and love metaphor use in experts in the domain of psychology in two different genres, online counseling and academic lectures. The study is based on two small-scale corpora that comprise written and spoken language and… read more
In this chapter I traverse the empirical cycle to analyze the use of conceptual metaphors for anger, love, and sadness in authentic discourse between experts and laypersons. The results gained by examining corpus data of expert-lay communication in psychology guide me in formulating my hypothesis… read more