Tine Greidanus
List of John Benjamins publications for which Tine Greidanus plays a role.
10. The construction and validation of a deep word knowledge test for advanced learners of French Vocabulary in a Second Language: Selection, acquisition, and testing, Bogaards, Paul and Batia Laufer (eds.), pp. 191–208 | Chapter
2004 Diepe Woordkennis als Maat Voor Algemene Taalvaardigheid? Onderzoek ontmoet onderwijs 2, pp. 69–77 | Article
2001 This paper describes an investigation into the relation between the results of a newly developed test of deep word knowledge (DWK) and a series of other word knowledge tests as well as a writing task. The DWK consists of 63 items constructed along the following model: one stimulus plus 6 responses. read more
Het Toetsen van Diepe Woordkennis in een Vreemde Taal Onderzoek ontmoet onderwijs, pp. 107–115 | Article
2000 In this article, we report on the construction of a test of deep word knowledge in French as a second language that can be used at advanced levels of proficiency. By 'deep word knowledge' we mean the knowledge of the semantic network of L2-words; our test focuses on the knowledge of the relations… read more
Relaxions Between fl Grammaticality Judgments and fl Production ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 73, pp. 51–82 | Article
1986 Teacher training institutes in the Netherlands submit to their students tests of grammaticality judgments concerning FL sentences, in order to prepare them for their future task. Comparison of the results of these tests with results of FL production tests of the same students suggested that the… read more
Relaties Tussen VT-Grammaticaliteitsoordelen en VT-Productie Taalonderwijs aan gevorderden, pp. 129–130 | Article
1986 Teacher training institutes in the Netherlands submit to their students tests of grammaticality judgments concerning FL senten-ces, in order to prepare them for their future task. Comparison of the results of these tests with results of FL production tests of the same students suggested that the… read more
Tweetalig Woordenboek En Taalonderwijs Op Tertiair Niveau Vertalen in theorie en praktijk, pp. 72–83 | Article
1985 All lexicographers agree that dictionaries should be designed with a view to a special group of users and their specific needs. The article deals with the question what requirements should be met by a bilingual dictionary made for learners of a language at university level. It reviews first the… read more