Terje Loogus

List of John Benjamins publications for which Terje Loogus plays a role.


Loogus, Terje and Jaanika Anderson 2024 Communication with international visitors: Interlingual translation practice in the University of Tartu MuseumMuseums as Spaces of Cultural Translation and Transfer, Decroupet, Sophie and Irmak Mertens (eds.), pp. 658–681 | Article
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2022, there were 170 museums in Estonia with 277 visitor sites, all of which contribute to preserving, shaping, and communicating our memory and identity, translating our culture to the people of Estonia and international visitors alike. Among European… read more
Loogus, Terje and Luc van Doorslaer 2021 Assisting translations in border crossing: An analysis of the Traducta translation grants in EstoniaTransnational Image Building: Linking up Translation Studies, Reception Studies and Imagology, Gentile, Paola, Fruzsina Kovács and Marike van der Watt (eds.), pp. 161–180 | Article
This contribution explores the position of translation policy and its connection to translation flows in translation studies research. Power relationships (among languages, cultures, etc.) are essential when assessing and interpreting translation flows. Despite the hyper-centrality of English,… read more