François Grin

List of John Benjamins publications for which François Grin plays a role.


Book series


Advances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy

Edited by François Grin, László Marácz and Nike K. Pokorn

[Studies in World Language Problems, 9] 2022. xxvi, 570 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language policy | Multilingualism
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language policy | Multilingualism | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Exploring the Dynamics of Multilingualism: The DYLAN project

Edited by Anne-Claude Berthoud, François Grin and Georges Lüdi

Subjects Applied linguistics | Discourse studies | Language policy | Multilingualism | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Fürst, Guillaume and François Grin 2022 Chapter 25. Multilingualism and creativity: An integrative approachAdvances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy, Grin, François, László Marácz and Nike K. Pokorn (eds.), pp. 509–530 | Chapter
This chapter investigates the relations between multilingualism, multicultural experience and creativity at both a theoretical and an empirical level. Starting with a general discussion about the cost and benefits of linguistic diversity, we argue that one of the benefits of multilingualism is… read more
Grin, François 2022 Chapter 2. Principles of integrated language policyAdvances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy, Grin, François, László Marácz and Nike K. Pokorn (eds.), pp. 23–42 | Chapter
This chapter proposes a novel perspective on language policy as a form of public policy, highlighting some of the epistemological implications of this approach and discussing its linkages with more standard approaches originating in applied linguistics. After introducing the relevance of… read more
Grin, François, László Marácz and Nike K. Pokorn 2022 Chapter 1. General introductionAdvances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy, Grin, François, László Marácz and Nike K. Pokorn (eds.), pp. 3–22 | Chapter
This introductory chapter offers a brief account of the history behind this book, which originates in the MIME project, where ‘MIME’ stands for ‘Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe’. This project, which was funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Innovation and… read more
This chapter examines, in a critical way, four different notions encountered in certain strands of academic discourse about multilingualism, which have acquired an influential position in some segments of contemporary applied linguistics. The four notions reviewed here are “superdiversity”,… read more
Grin, François and Peter A. Kraus 2018 Chapter 1. The politics of multilingualism: General introduction and overviewThe Politics of Multilingualism: Europeanisation, globalisation and linguistic governance, Kraus, Peter A. and François Grin (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Chapter
Berthoud, Anne-Claude, François Grin and Georges Lüdi 2013 ConclusionExploring the Dynamics of Multilingualism: The DYLAN project, Berthoud, Anne-Claude, François Grin and Georges Lüdi (eds.), pp. 429–436 | Article
Grin, François and Michele Gazzola 2013 Chapter 17. Assessing efficiency and fairness in multilingual communication: Theory and application through indicatorsExploring the Dynamics of Multilingualism: The DYLAN project, Berthoud, Anne-Claude, François Grin and Georges Lüdi (eds.), pp. 365–386 | Article
As shown in several chapters of this book, actors confronted with the need to communicate in a multilingual context use a variety of strategies. These strategies may be more or less directly influenced by the language policies adopted by the public or private sector institutions in which they… read more
This policy analysis-based treatment of language choices in the European Union departs from usual approaches that stress educational, legal or political aspects, and attempts instead to develop an evaluative framework resting on the standard breakdowns of policy analysis, particularly the… read more
The comparison between various language policies that aim to manage multilingual communication ought to rely on some robust methodology for evaluation. This paper discusses the possibility to found such a methodology on the well-established concepts of efficiency and fairness. Assessing efficiency… read more
SOMMAIRE L'intégration économique de l'Europe et le sort des langues moins répandues L'intégration économique de l'Europe déploie déjà ses effets dans des domaines importants de la vie publique et privée, et cette tendance ne peut qu'être renforcée par l'entrée en vigueur du "marché unique". Cet… read more
SOMMAIRE La loi linguistique estonienne: présentation commentée Cet article offre une présentation générale de la loi linguistique adoptée par l'Estonie en 1989. Nous commençons par décrire les articles du texte de loi en suivant l'ordre de présentation de l'original, avant d'en résumer les titres… read more