This chapter describes a short conversational intervention (SCI) procedure aiming to promote narrative skills in young children. The SCI solicits children’s thinking and talk about the causes of the events in a story of a misunderstanding between two characters, The Stone story. We first report… read more
After years of research focusing on universal regularities in child language, the study of variation has enriched our understanding of language development. Variation stems from exogenous and endogenous factors that can all influence the development of communicative capacities. This volume focuses… read more
Ninety French-speaking children aged 2 to 4 years were presented with short utterances containing homophonous or nonce words whose object or action meaning was identifiable on the sole basis of the preceding grammatical morpheme. Items in noun and verb contexts were presented to the same children… read more
Our analyses suggest that early fillers are premorphological. They help children realize phonoprosodic features, and reflect the distributional regularities of child-directed speech, but are not used to differentiate nouns from verbs, a differentiation that starts to show up a few months after… read more
Conversational exchanges have unique properties that have a great potential for language acquisition such as the motivation to communicate, information about language meanings and structures, and the construction of new ways of expression. Results from the literature and from new data analyses show… read more