Victoria Vázquez Rozas
List of John Benjamins publications for which Victoria Vázquez Rozas plays a role.
Constructions with subject vs . object experiencers in Spanish and Italian: A corpus-based approach Corpus-based Approaches to Construction Grammar, Yoon, Jiyoung and Stefan Th. Gries (eds.), pp. 65–102 | Article
2016 This study analyzes Spanish and Italian clauses that denote processes or states
of feeling or emotion involving two participants, an experiencer and a stimulus.
Some of these clauses construe the experiencer as Subject and the stimulus as
Object, while others have experiencers coded as dative or… read more
A discourse-based analysis of object clitic doubling in Spanish Grammaticalization and Language Change: New reflections, Davidse, Kristin, Tine Breban, Lieselotte Brems and Tanja Mortelmans (eds.), pp. 271–298 | Article
2012 The paper provides a functional, usage-based analysis of the genesis and diffusion of object clitic doubling in Spanish, which is seen as an agreement phenomenon, and hence as a working example of grammaticalization. It has been claimed that doubling arises from the so-called topic-shift… read more