Verb tables are based on the simple sentence, made up of a predicate, its arguments, their actualization and the various transformations the sentence may undergo, all presented in binary table form. What though is the theoretical basis? Since the predicate is determined by the nature of its… read more
The Bescherelle is a well-known reference where one can look up — in the form of tables — the conjugation of all French verbs. It is often forgotten that all predicates can be conjugated whether they are expressed in verbal or nominal forms. This article outlines the basis of linguistic… read more
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the importance of semantic classes in the description of language. We know that most predicates are polysemous, and that each sense correlates with a particular set of arguments. We can group these arguments into semantic classes ("classes d'objets"… read more
This article deals with the automatic description of N de N phrases. The initial observation is that it is impossible to make a clear distinction between structures of that type (i.e. N de N) that are frozen structures and those that are not frozen or partially frozen. The problem, then, consists… read more
Gaston Gross: a case of reverse constructions: donner et recevoir. Besides the common use of the verbs donner (to give) and recevoir (to receive) in their concrete meaning, these two verbs may take nominal predicates such as in the sentences Bob gave his agreement to Jo's leaving Jo received Bob's… read more