Alexander Grosu

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexander Grosu plays a role.


Advances in the Syntax of DPs: Structure, agreement, and case

Edited by Anna Bondaruk, Gréte Dalmi and Alexander Grosu

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 217] 2014. xvii, 320 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Grosu, Alexander 2014 IntroductionAdvances in the Syntax of DPs: Structure, agreement, and case, Bondaruk, Anna, Gréte Dalmi and Alexander Grosu (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Article
Grosu, Alexander 2014 Transparent free relatives: two challenges for the grafting approachAdvances in the Syntax of DPs: Structure, agreement, and case, Bondaruk, Anna, Gréte Dalmi and Alexander Grosu (eds.), pp. 295–317 | Article
This chapter argues for the view that Standard Free Relatives and Transparent Free Relatives have exactly the same bi-dimensional configurational structures, and against the view that they have distinct multi-dimensional structures, the transparent variety being externally headed by a token of a… read more
Grosu, Alexander 2013 Chapter 10. Relative Clause Constructions and unbounded dependenciesA Reference Grammar of Romanian: Volume 1: The noun phrase, Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen and Ion Giurgea (eds.), pp. 597–662 | Article
Grosu, Alexander 2010 On the pre-theoretical notion phrasal head: Ignoring the left periphery is always at your own riskEdges, Heads, and Projections: Interface properties, Di Sciullo, Anna Maria and Virginia Hill (eds.), pp. 151–190 | Article
This paper examines the multi-dimensional Grafting mechanism of van Riemsdijk (2006), which focuses on the pre-theoretical notion phrasal head, and whose effect is, in certain cases, to circumvent constraints imposed by the left periphery on long-distance movement. The constructions for which… read more
Grosu, Alexander 2004 The syntax-semantics of modal existential wh constructionsBalkan Syntax and Semantics, Mišeska Tomić, Olga (ed.), pp. 405–438 | Article
Grosu, Alexander 2000 Type-Resolution in Relative Constructions: Featural marking and dependency encodingThe Syntax of Relative Clauses, Alexiadou, Artemis, Paul Law, André Meinunger and Chris Wilder (eds.), pp. 83–120 | Article
Grosu, Alexander 1995 Overt and Null Operations in French and RomanianTendances Récentes en Linguistique Française et Générale: Volume dédié à David Gaatone, Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot, Hava et Lucien Kupferman (dir.), pp. 201–210 | Article
Grosu, Alexander 1995 Free Relatives with “Missing Prepositions” in Rumanian and Universal GrammarAdvances in Roumanian Linguistics, Cinque, Guglielmo and Giuliana Giusti (eds.), pp. 127–160 | Article
Grosu, Alexander 1987 On acceptable violations of parallelism constraintsFunctionalism in Linguistics, Dirven, René † and Vilém Fried (eds.), pp. 425–458 | Article