Helmut Gruber

List of John Benjamins publications for which Helmut Gruber plays a role.



The Pragmatics of Discourse Coherence: Theories and applications

Edited by Helmut Gruber and Gisela Redeker

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 254] 2014. vii, 295 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
This case study analyses the socio-pragmatic effects of invoked multiple voices in a commemorative speech delivered by Austrian writer Michael Köhlmeier on the occasion of the 2018 Austrian commemoration day against violence and fascism. Köhlmeier uses different forms of discourse representation… read more
Gruber, Helmut 2021 Chapter 9. Candidates’ use of Twitter during the 2016 Austrian presidential campaignApproaches to Internet Pragmatics: Theory and practice, Xie, Chaoqun, Francisco Yus and Hartmut Haberland (eds.), pp. 259–286 | Chapter
This paper explores the Twitter use by the candidates of the 2016 Austrian presidential campaign which lasted for almost one year and required three ballots in sequence. The data corpus consists of all Twitter messages the candidates posted during the campaign. Drawing on theoretical… read more
This paper investigates one specific aspect of impression management (self-presentation as an ordinary person) of the candidates during the 2016 Austrian presidential campaign on Twitter and asks whether the candidates’ campaigns followed the innovation or the normalization hypothesis. By applying… read more
The main argument put forward in this paper is that traditional linguistic genre theories neglect the importance of media and their modal affordances in the formation of new genres. It argues that media cannot be viewed as (passive) configurations of technical, semiotic, and cultural features… read more
Gruber, Helmut 2019 Staged conflicts in Austrian parliamentary debatesDialogue in institutional settings, Orletti, Franca and Letizia Caronia (eds.), pp. 42–64 | Article
This paper analyzes the rhetorical formats used by Austrian members of parliament (MPs) to express disagreement with previous speakers during the so-called ‘inaugural speech debates’. During these debates, MPs position themselves publicly as either government or opposition party representatives.… read more
This paper investigates the reference statements and rhetorical functions of politicians’ reactive (“uptaking”) statements in parliamentary debates as well as their self-positioning effects. Uptaking moves may be used by speakers for pursuing strategic, global discourse aims. The specific… read more
In this chapter, the contributions Austrian MPs deliver during the debate after the inaugural speech of a new federal chancellor are investigated under a discourse analytic and rhetorical-argumentative perspective. As the debate contributions refer only to a limited set of reference text, this… read more
Based on a corpus of Austrian students’ texts from three disciplines (personnel management, business psychology, economic history) analysed with Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST), this paper investigates the macro-structural expectations which tables of content (ToCs) raise, the cues by which… read more
Redeker, Gisela and Helmut Gruber 2014 Introduction: The pragmatics of discourse coherenceThe Pragmatics of Discourse Coherence: Theories and applications, Gruber, Helmut and Gisela Redeker (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Article
The first part of this chapter provides an overview of the current state of genre theory in various fields of linguistics and discourse analysis. Based on this overview, a set of common features of genre definitions is presented that provides the theoretical basis for the empirical investigation.… read more
In this paper, I argue that the analysis of coherence structures of university students’ texts may contribute to text improvement. Furthermore, my results suggest a relationship between various coherence phenomena and the grades students earn for their papers. Based on the analysis of Austrian… read more
In February 2000, the Austrian Christian conservative People’s Party ÖVP and the right wing nationalist Freedom Party (under its notorious leader Jörg Haider) formed a new government in Austria. This political change resulted not only in heavy political protests in Austria, but also caused… read more
Gruber, Helmut 1997 The Rhetoric of Trivialization: The coverage of right wing extremism and Neonazism in Austria's most read tabloidPolitical Linguistics, Blommaert, Jan † and Chris Bulcaen (eds.), pp. 139–156 | Article
Gruber, Helmut 1993 Political language and textual vaguenessPragmatics 3:1, pp. 1–28 | Article