Susana Pérez Castillejo
List of John Benjamins publications for which Susana Pérez Castillejo plays a role.
L 1 Phonetic permeability and phonetic path towards a potential merger: The case of Galician mid vowels in bilingual production Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 12:2, pp. 191–219 | Article
2022 This study investigates the phonetic implementation of Galician /ɛ-e/ and /ɔ-o/ as produced by Galician-Spanish early bilinguals. It examines whether there is variation that can be explained by differences in participants’ linguistic histories (as captured by their language dominance scores).… read more
Spanish mid vowels as sociolinguistic variables in Galicia Spanish in Context 17:3, pp. 464–487 | Article
2020 This paper analyzes the acoustic properties of Spanish stressed mid vowels from a corpus of over 2,800 tokens produced by Galician-dominant bilinguals and Spanish monolinguals. Following principles of bilingual speech production theory, we explore whether these vowels present lexically… read more
Convergencia en una situación de contacto de dialectos peninsulares en EEUU Spanish in Context 10:1, pp. 1–29 | Article
2013 Enfocándose en las redes sociales de once hablantes del centro-norte de España, este trabajo analiza la reducción de (s) implosiva en función del dialecto del interlocutor. Pese a la tendencia conservadora general, un análisis multivariante revela que el tiempo prolongado fuera de España, el alto… read more