Ángel Felices-Lago

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ángel Felices-Lago plays a role.

Traditional corpus-based methods rely on manual inspection and extraction of lexical collocates in the study of selection preferences, which is a very costly, labor-intensive, and time-consuming task. Devising automatic methods for lexical collocate extraction becomes necessary to handle this… read more
Felices-Lago, Ángel 2014 The emergence of axiology as a key parameter in modern linguistics: A review of significant contributions from the 1950s to the 1980sEvaluation in Context, Thompson, Geoff † and Laura Alba-Juez (eds.), pp. 27–46 | Article
This article sets out to provide a summarized historical survey of some relevant contributions to axiological semantics from linguists included in the two most influential linguistic traditions from the 50s to the late 70s: structural linguistics and transformational-generative grammar. In fact,… read more
Felices-Lago, Ángel and María Enriqueta Cortés-de-los-Ríos 2014 The implementation of the axiological parameter in a verbal subontology for natural language processingEvaluation in Context, Thompson, Geoff † and Laura Alba-Juez (eds.), pp. 117–136 | Article
FunGramKB (FGKB), on the one hand, is a multipurpose lexico-conceptual knowledge base for natural language processing (NLP) systems and comprises three major interrelated knowledge level modules: lexical, grammatical and conceptual. At the conceptual level the core ontology is presented as a… read more
Felices-Lago, Ángel and Pedro Ureña Gómez-Moreno 2014 FunGramKB term extractor: A tool for building terminological ontologies 
from specialised corporaLanguage Processing and Grammars: The role of functionally oriented computational models, Nolan, Brian and Carlos Periñán-Pascual (eds.), pp. 251–270 | Article
Ontological engineering is a relatively young discipline that has nevertheless received considerable attention because of its great potential for application in a number of areas, including Machine Translation, Artificial Intelligence and the Semantic Web. A major field of research of the… read more