Nana Tohyama

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nana Tohyama plays a role.


Seraku, Tohru and Nana Tohyama 2020 Grammatical nominalization in Yoron RyukyuanStudies in Language 44:4, pp. 879–916 | Article
Despite extensive research on Ryukyuan languages, relatively few attempts have been made to describe Ryukyuan nominalization. This paper sets out the agenda for exploring Ryukyuan nominalization with special reference to Yoron Ryukyuan, which, we propose, has four nominalizers: -si, hutu, munu,… read more
Seraku, Tohru and Nana Tohyama 2018 The affective construction in Yoron RyukyuanStudies in Language 42:2, pp. 418–454 | Article
In Yoron Ryukyuan, passives are formed through the verbal suffix ‘-ari’. In this article, we observe that the suffix is used to form a construction distinguished from the standard passives in several respects: (i) attachment of ‘-ari’ to a wide range of predicates, (ii) ‘-ari’ obligatorily… read more