Rainier Grutman

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rainier Grutman plays a role.

Grutman, Rainier 2022 Chapter 12. Second thoughts about second versions: Self-translation and humourHumour in Self-Translation, Dore, Margherita (ed.), pp. 257–274 | Chapter
This rejoinder proceeds in a dialectical fashion. For the sake of argument, the first part takes the opposite view of the thesis according to which the translator’s identity must modify the parameters of translating different forms of humour (comedy, satire, irony, wordplay). Upon reflection, it… read more
Grutman, Rainier 2006 Refraction and recognition: Literary multilingualism in translationHeterolingualism in/and Translation, Meylaerts, Reine (ed.), pp. 17–47 | Article
Texts foregrounding different languages pose unusual challenges for translators and translation scholars alike. This article seeks to provide some insights into what happens to multilingual literature in translation. First, Antoine Berman’s writings on translation are used to reframe questions of… read more