Louis Rice

List of John Benjamins publications for which Louis Rice plays a role.


Newbutt, Nigel, Louis Rice, Séverin Lemaignan, Joe Daly, Vicky Charisi and Iian Conley 2022 Co-designing a social robot in a special educational needs school: Listening to the ambitions of autistic children and their teachersChild-Robot Interaction: Design, Evaluation, and Novel Solutions, Couto, Marta, Shruti Chandra, Elmira Yadollahi and Vicky Charisi (eds.), pp. 204–242 | Article
Social robots have the potential to support autistic school children with their wellbeing. This research reveals how a co-design approach with autistic children and their teachers was undertaken. Focus groups with autistic children and teachers collaboratively identified user requirements for… read more