Maria Teresa Guasti

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Teresa Guasti plays a role.


Subjects Language acquisition | Morphology | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Bosch, Jasmijn E., Ianthi Maria Tsimpli and Maria Teresa Guasti 2023 How English-Medium Instruction affects language and learning outcomes of children in the MaldivesJournal of English-Medium Instruction 2:1, pp. 1–26 | Article
Whilst the vast majority of the Maldivian population speak Dhivehi at home, English typically serves as the only medium of instruction (MoI) starting from primary school. Teachers have expressed their concerns regarding educational quality, as many children are taught in a language they do not… read more
Bosch, Jasmijn E., Mathilde Chailleux, Jia’en Yee, Maria Teresa Guasti and Fabrizio Arosio 2022 Chapter 10. Prediction on the basis of gender and number in Mandarin-Italian bilingual childrenThe Acquisition of Gender: Crosslinguistic perspectives, Ayoun, Dalila (ed.), pp. 243–272 | Chapter
The present study used a visual world eye-tracking paradigm to investigate online processing of grammatical gender and number in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children, in comparison to monolingual Italian children. We examined how children anticipated upcoming nouns on the basis of grammatical… read more
Guasti, Maria Teresa 2022 The “what” and “how” of measuringEpistemological issue: Bilingual Language Development in Autism, Flores, Cristina and Neal Snape (eds.), pp. 54–58 | Commentary
Guasti, Maria Teresa, Elena Pagliarini and Stephanie Durrleman 2021 Chapter 12. The acquisition of disjunction under negation and recursive ni in FrenchL1 Acquisition and L2 Learning: The view from Romance, Avram, Larisa, Anca Sevcenco and Veronica Tomescu (eds.), pp. 315–330 | Chapter
Pagliarini, Crain, & Guasti (2018) showed that children acquiring Italian start to attribute a “neither” interpretation to negative disjunctive sentences, but converge to the adult “at least one” interpretation earlier than children acquiring Japanese or Mandarin. This earlier convergence is… read more
The performance of 122 children on syntactic awareness of clitics and articles in French was examined. Three clinical groups (21 children with ASD, 22 children with SLI, 23 children with DD) and a group of 56 younger children with TD were studied. On the article task, children with ASD obtained… read more
Guasti, Maria Teresa, Chiara Branchini, Mirta Vernice, Lina Barbieri and Fabrizio Arosio 2015 Language disorders in children with Developmental DyslexiaSpecific Language Impairment: Current trends in research, Stavrakaki, Stavroula (ed.), pp. 35–56 | Article
While language skills are generally not assessed in children with Developmental Dyslexia (DD), it is known that 50% of them manifests some of the symptoms that we find in children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). This is confirmed in this study for Italian: 50% of the children with DD… read more
Caprin, Claudia and Maria Teresa Guasti 2006 A cross-sectional study on the use of “be” in early ItalianThe Acquisition of Syntax in Romance Languages, Torrens, Vincent and Linda Escobar (eds.), pp. 117–133 | Article
This work aims at studying the acquisition of copula and the auxiliary BE in Italian children. It will be shown that from the earliest stages the copula and the auxiliary BE are omitted at different rate, suggesting that children distinguish between the two grammatical categories. Moreover, on the… read more
Guasti, Maria Teresa, Marina Nespor, Anne Christophe and Brit van Ooyen 2001 Pre-lexical Setting of the Head: Complement Parameter through ProsodyApproaches to Bootstrapping: Phonological, lexical, syntactic and neurophysiological aspects of early language acquisition, Weissenborn, Jürgen and Barbara Höhle (eds.), pp. 231–248 | Article