Deborah Arteaga

List of John Benjamins publications for which Deborah Arteaga plays a role.


Historical Romance Linguistics: Retrospective and perspectives

Edited by Randall Gess and Deborah Arteaga

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 274] 2006. viii, 393 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Romance linguistics
This chapter evaluates methodological inquiries to L2 acquisition (L2A) of French syntax and approaches used to carry them out. Over four decades, a range of theoretical approaches to L2 French syntax have prevailed in North America, Asia and Europe. For example, the generative or Universal… read more
Arteaga, Deborah and Julia Herschensohn 2016 Old French possessives and ellipsisRomance Linguistics 2013: Selected papers from the 43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), New York, 17-19 April, 2013, Tortora, Christina, Marcel den Dikken, Ignacio L. Montoya and Teresa O'Neill (eds.), pp. 21–38 | Article
Sáez (2011), to account for Spanish definite articles in ellipsis contexts, such as mi libro y el [e] de Juan ‘my book and that of John’, proposes the Stress Condition on Remnants (SCR), which disallows unstressed syntactic elements to be anaphoric, while allowing definite articles to license empty… read more
This chapter focuses on the syntax of the subjunctive in Old French (OF), comparing it to Modern French (MF). In MF, obviation effects occur between the subject of a volitional complement and the subject the embedded clause (Ruwet 1984): (1) *Je veux que je parte. *I want-1sg that I leave-1sg-subj… read more
This paper considers restrictive relatives in OF, of the type Car ne voi tertre nen soeit rases “For I see no small hill (that) is not razed to the ground”. We note that unlike MF, in OF, the relative pronoun qui could be unexpressed in such structures. OF bare subject relatives, we argue, are not… read more
Arteaga, Deborah and Julia Herschensohn 2010 A phase-based analysis of Old French genitive constructionsRomance Linguistics 2009: Selected papers from the 39th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Tucson, Arizona, March 2009, Colina, Sonia, Antxon Olarrea and Ana Maria Carvalho (eds.), pp. 285–300 | Article
This paper considers two types of genitive constructions in Old French (OF), one in which the possessor is introduced by a preposition (type un ami à moi “my friend”/l’ami du roi “the king’s friend”) and another, in which no overt preposition is found (type la niece le duc “the duke’s niece”), the… read more
This paper considers apparent null complementizers in Old French, a phenomenon typically considered by philologists to be parataxis, or a juxtaposition of two main clauses (cf. Foulet 1982, Jensen 1990, Moignet 1988); recent studies within the Minimalist framework (e.g., Bošković & Lasnik 2003,… read more
Arteaga, Deborah and Julia Herschensohn 2006 

Il Était une Fois: Diachronic Development of Expletives, Case, and Agreement from Latin to Modern French

Historical Romance Linguistics: Retrospective and perspectives, Gess, Randall and Deborah Arteaga (eds.), pp. 269–286 | Chapter
Gess, Randall and Deborah Arteaga 2006 ForewordHistorical Romance Linguistics: Retrospective and perspectives, Gess, Randall and Deborah Arteaga (eds.), pp. vii–viii | Foreword
Arteaga, Deborah 1998 On Null Objects in Old FrenchRomance Linguistics: Theoretical Perspectives, Schwegler, Armin, Bernard Tranel and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Article