Kayron Beviláqua

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kayron Beviláqua plays a role.


Pires De Oliveira, Roberta and Kayron Beviláqua 2020 Chapter 8. Brazilian bare nouns in quantity judgments: Kinds and atomicityBrazilian Portuguese, Syntax and Semantics: 20 years of Núcleo de Estudos Gramaticais, Pires De Oliveira, Roberta, Ina Emmel and Sandra Quarezemin (eds.), pp. 191–212 | Chapter
The chapter reports the results of applying quantity judgment tests to bare nouns in Brazilian Portuguese. The results show that the bare singular and sentences with no nouns (no cues to atomicity, as argued in Scontras et al. 2017) behave alike, in contrast with plural nouns. Brazilian bare… read more