Amanda Huensch
List of John Benjamins publications for which Amanda Huensch plays a role.
Expanding the scope of L2 intelligibility research: Intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness in L2 Spanish The Evolution of Pronunciation Teaching and Research: 25 years of intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness, Levis, John M., Tracey M. Derwing and Murray J. Munro (eds.), pp. 51–73 | Chapter
2022 This study investigated relationships among intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness in the speech of L2 learners of Spanish who completed a prompted response speaking task. Thirty native Spanish listeners from Spain were recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk to transcribe and… read more
Expanding the scope of L2 intelligibility research: Intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness in L2 Spanish 25 years of Intelligibility, Comprehensibility and Accentedness, Levis, John M., Tracey M. Derwing and Murray J. Munro (eds.), pp. 329–351 | Article
2020 This study investigated relationships among intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness in the speech of L2 learners of Spanish who completed a prompted response speaking task. Thirty native Spanish listeners from Spain were recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk to transcribe and rate… read more
Variables affecting the maintenance of L2 proficiency and fluency four years post-study abroad Language learning and interactional experiences in Study Abroad settings, Salaberry, M. Rafael, Kate White and Alfred Rue Burch (eds.), pp. 96–125 | Article
2019 This study explored the attrition / maintenance of second language (L2) proficiency by examining longitudinally the oral skills of a group of L2 French and L2 Spanish participants (n = 33) four years after study abroad, and three years after completing an undergraduate degree in languages.… read more
Chapter 6. The potential of publicly shared longitudinal learner corpora in SLA research Critical Reflections on Data in Second Language Acquisition, Gudmestad, Aarnes and Amanda Edmonds (eds.), pp. 149–170 | Chapter
2018 Most second language acquisition (SLA) researchers would agree that longitudinal data can potentially yield the most valuable insights into second-language development, yet few longitudinal studies exist. It is also rare to find longitudinal studies with data collected beyond the one year mark. In… read more
How the initiation and resolution of repair sequences act as a device for the co-construction of membership and identity Pragmatics and Society 8:3, pp. 355–376 | Article
2017 This conversation analytic paper investigates how speakers self-position or are other-positioned as members of a certain social group (e.g., competent speakers of a language) through other-initiated repair. Findings illustrate the complexity of linguistic membership categories by demonstrating… read more
Perceptual phonetic training improves production in larger discourse contexts Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 2:2, pp. 183–207 | Article
2016 Perceptual training can lead to improvements in production which generalize to new words and talkers. This study investigated the effects of perceptual training on productions in larger discourse contexts of continuous speech, and additionally examined whether training generalized to a new syllable… read more