Analyzing variation in language features in literature and telecinematic discourse provides valuable insights into society’s shifting values and perspectives. In this study, we carry out a keyword analysis on the language of three series of Star Trek television dialogues, broadcast in the 1960s,… read more
Many corpus-based studies focus on the use of academic vocabulary in journal articles and textbooks while creating vocabulary lists and argue for the teaching of such lists, but few examine how students employ those words in their writing. The present study investigates English as a Foreign… read more
Corpus-based university classroom discourse studies found differences in teaching as it relates to language use: discourse organization, levels of instruction and interactivity, and disciplinary differences in participant talk. These practices were primarily reported on US-based classrooms, while… read more
This study investigates patterns of language use in professional presentations by teachers and students in a university setting. A 271,500 word corpus was compiled using 122 teacher presentation segments extracted from a previously collected large corpus of classroom discourse and 69 student… read more