Michał Krzyżanowski
List of John Benjamins publications for which Michał Krzyżanowski plays a role.
Re/constructing Politics Through Social & Online Media: Discourses, ideologies, and mediated political practices
Edited by Michał Krzyżanowski and Joshua A. Tucker
Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 17:2 (2018) vi, 202 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Right-Wing Populism in Europe & USA: Contesting Politics & Discourse beyond ‘Orbanism’ and ‘Trumpism’
Edited by Ruth Wodak and Michał Krzyżanowski
Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 16:4 (2017) vi, 169 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Discourses and practices of the ‘New Normal’: Towards an interdisciplinary research agenda on crisis and the normalization of anti- and post‑democratic action Journal of Language and Politics 22:4, pp. 415–437 | Article
2023 This position paper argues for an interdisciplinary agenda relating crises to on-going processes of normalization of anti- and post-democratic action. We call for exploring theoretically and empirically the ‘new normal’ logic introduced into public imagination on the back of various crises,… read more
Social media in/and the politics of the European Union: Politico-organizational communication, institutional cultures and self-inflicted elitism Re/constructing Politics Through Social & Online Media: Discourses, ideologies, and mediated political practices, Krzyżanowski, Michał and Joshua A. Tucker (eds.), pp. 281–304 | Article
2018 This paper looks at how social/online media – using the example of Twitter – are used in the politico-organizational communication of the European Union at a time when it faces multiple crises and is in acute need of effectively communicating its politics to the European demos. Proposing a… read more
Re/constructing politics through social & online media: Discourses, ideologies, and mediated political practices Re/constructing Politics Through Social & Online Media: Discourses, ideologies, and mediated political practices, Krzyżanowski, Michał and Joshua A. Tucker (eds.), pp. 141–154 | Introduction
2018 In recent years, the connection between online and in particular social media and politics has become one of the central ones in contemporary societies, and has been explored very widely in political research and media and communication studies. Against such growing body of research, this… read more
Uncivility on the web: Populism in/and the borderline discourses of exclusion Right-Wing Populism in Europe & USA: Contesting Politics & Discourse beyond ‘Orbanism’ and ‘Trumpism’, Wodak, Ruth and Michał Krzyżanowski (eds.), pp. 566–581 | Article
2017 This paper explores the connection between the rise of new types of online uncivil discourses and the recent success of populism. While discussions on the upsurge of populism have centred on institutionalised politics and politicians, only limited attention has been paid to how the success of… read more
Right-wing populism in Europe & USA: Contesting politics & discourse beyond ‘Orbanism’ and ‘Trumpism’ Right-Wing Populism in Europe & USA: Contesting Politics & Discourse beyond ‘Orbanism’ and ‘Trumpism’, Wodak, Ruth and Michał Krzyżanowski (eds.), pp. 471–484 | Article
2017 In recent years and months, new information about the rise of right-wing populist parties (RWPs) in Europe and the USA has dominated the news and caused an election scare among mainstream institutions and politicians. The unpredictable successes of populists (e.g. Donald Trump in the USA in… read more
International leadership re-/constructed? Ambivalence and heterogeneity of identity discourses in European Union’s policy on climate change Discourse analysis, policy analysis, and the borders of EU identity, Carta, Caterina and Ruth Wodak (eds.), pp. 110–133 | Article
2015 This article analyses European Union policy discourses on climate change from the point of view of constructions of identity. Articulated in a variety of policy-related genres, the EU rhetoric on climate change is approached as example of the Union’s international discourse, which, contrary to… read more
Chapter 3. Policy, policy communication and discursive shifts: Analyzing EU policy discourses on climate change Analyzing Genres in Political Communication: Theory and practice, Cap, Piotr and Urszula Okulska (eds.), pp. 101–133 | Article
2013 This chapter presents a closely related discursive and generic analysis of European Union policy on climate change. The analysis focuses on the years 2007–2011 when the EU climate change policy accelerated and underwent several significant shifts. At the discursive level, the analysis of the said… read more
Chapter 10. Dynamics of multilingualism in post-Enlargement EU institutions: Perceptions, Conceptions and Practices Exploring the Dynamics of Multilingualism: The DYLAN project, Berthoud, Anne-Claude, François Grin and Georges Lüdi (eds.), pp. 205–226 | Article
2013 In our chapter, we present a multilevel approach to multilingualism in the European Union (i.e. EU) Institutions. We explore the diversity of the Union’s institutional language regimes and regulations from the point of view of their perceptions, conceptions and practices. We juxtapose the… read more
‘European identity wanted!’: On discursive and communicative dimensions of the European Convention A New Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis: Theory, methodology and interdisciplinarity, Wodak, Ruth and Paul Chilton (eds.), pp. 137–163 | Article
2005 Debating the European Constitution: On representations of Europe/the EU in the press Journal of Language and Politics 4:2, pp. 227–271 | Article
2005 In this article, we analyze the newspaper coverage of the concluding session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) which took place in Brussels on the 12th and 13th December 2003 and which was the first attempt to reach an agreement on the “Draft Constitutional Treaty” proposed by the European… read more
“My European feelings are not only based on the fact that I live in Europe”: On the new mechanisms in European and national identification patterns emerging under the influence of EU Enlargement Parliamentary Discourse, pp. 175–204 | Miscellaneous
2003 Identity has recently become one of the most frequently theorised and explored topics within various sub-branches of social sciences. Collective identities in general, and their ancestry and construction in particular, are being perceived in different ways by historians, anthropologists,… read more