Britt-Louise Gunnarsson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Britt-Louise Gunnarsson plays a role.


Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise 2022 Applied linguisticsHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 62–81 | Chapter
Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise 2011 Applied linguisticsHandbook of Pragmatics: 2011 Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 1–27 | Miscellaneous
Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise 2011 Applied LinguisticsPragmatics in Practice, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 23–45 | Article
Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise 2006 Applied linguisticsHandbook of Pragmatics: 2006 Installment, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 1–25 | Article
Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise 2004 The multilayered structure of enterprise discourseInformation Design Journal 12:1, pp. 36–48 | Article
This article explores the complex relationship between enterprise and discourse from a sociolinguistic viewpoint. A model of communication is presented which depicts the multilayered framework of texts within organizations. With this model as a background, results from two studies on enterprise… read more
The article presents a socio-semantic study of evaluative expressions in medical scientific articles from six periods from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Evaluations relating to the presentations of the medical case, the scientist’s own work and the work of other scientists… read more
Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise 1999 Institutional narrative: Culture, professionalization and depersonalizationNarrative Inquiry 9:1, pp. 181–186 | Miscellaneous
Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise 1997 Women and men in the academic discourse communityCommunicating Gender in Context, Kotthoff, Helga and Ruth Wodak (eds.), pp. 219 ff. | Article
Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise 1995 Applied linguisticsHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman and Jan Blommaert † (eds.), pp. 45–54 | Article