Dorota Krajewska

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dorota Krajewska plays a role.


Investigating Language Isolates: Typological and diachronic perspectives

Edited by Iker Salaberri, Dorota Krajewska, Ekaitz Santazilia and Eneko Zuloaga

[Typological Studies in Language, 135] 2025. vii, 339 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Linguistics of isolated languages | Theoretical linguistics | Typology


Salaberri, Iker, Dorota Krajewska, Ekaitz Santazilia and Eneko Zuloaga 2025 Introduction: State of the art of research on language isolatesInvestigating Language Isolates: Typological and diachronic perspectives, Salaberri, Iker, Dorota Krajewska, Ekaitz Santazilia and Eneko Zuloaga (eds.), pp. 2–19 | Chapter
This paper discusses the issues faced by linguists analyzing language isolates, namely their definition, recovering their histories, and commonly used methods that implicitly rely on non-isolate status. This is followed by a critical review of recent approaches meant to overcome these issues. We… read more
This corpus-based study examines the diachrony of differential place marking in Basque. In spatial cases, animate nouns in Basque exhibit heavier morphological forms than inanimate ones, but, under some circumstances, they can also be marked as inanimate. The data for the study comprises 66… read more
In this paper we examine a corpus of sixteenth- to nineteenth-century Basque private letters and administration documents from a historical sociolinguistic point of view. Because of the diglossic situation, such texts are rare but valuable in the historical corpus of Basque. In particular, we… read more