Irati Diert-Boté
List of John Benjamins publications for which Irati Diert-Boté plays a role.
Positivity in the English language learning classroom: Analyzing teacher-student moments of contact Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 36:2, pp. 357–385 | Article
2023 Positive Psychology was introduced in Second Language Acquisition research in order to explore how positivity can be experienced in the classroom so that learners can flourish in their language learning processes even in averse circumstances (see MacIntyre & Gregersen, 2012). Drawing on theories… read more
“I don’t care about the physical appearance in a job”: A multimodal analysis of a challenging episode in the EMI classroom Journal of English-Medium Instruction 2:2, pp. 159–182 | Article
2023 English-medium instruction (EMI) settings can be particularly challenging for lecturers since they must teach disciplinary content through a foreign language. This paper centers on an episode that reflects the demanding nature of EMI classrooms: a student objects to a part of the task… read more
Learning English in Catalonia: Beliefs and emotions through small stories and iterativity Narrative Inquiry 28:1, pp. 56–74 | Article
2018 The aim of this study is to unveil English learners’ beliefs and emotions regarding the English language education received in Catalan schools. For that purpose, data from 5 focus groups with 31 university students have been analysed through a combination of MCA and small stories analysis. The… read more