Bjørn Gustavsen
List of John Benjamins publications for which Bjørn Gustavsen plays a role.
Book series
ISSN 1384-6639 | E-ISSN 1569-9692
Creating Connectedness: The role of social research in innovation policy
Bjørn Gustavsen, Håkon Finne and Bo Oscarsson
[Dialogues on Work and Innovation, 13] 2001. x, 281 pp.
Subjects Industrial & organizational studies
Work Organization and Europe as a Development Coalition
Richard Ennals and Bjørn Gustavsen
[Dialogues on Work and Innovation, 7] 1999. viii, 209 pp.
Subjects Industrial & organizational studies
The End of Organization Theory?: Language as a tool in action research and organizational development
Øyvind Pålshaugen
[Dialogues on Work and Innovation, 5] 1999. vi, 149 pp.
Subjects Industrial & organizational studies
Development Coalitions in Working Life: The ‘Enterprise Development 2000’ Program in Norway
Edited by Bjørn Gustavsen, Tom Colbjørnsen and Øyvind Pålshaugen
[Dialogues on Work and Innovation, 6] 1998. xi, 153 pp.
Subjects Industrial & organizational studies
Concept-Driven Development and the Organization of the Process of Change: An evaluation of the Swedish Working Life Fund
Bjørn Gustavsen, Bernd Hofmaier, Marianne Ekman Philips and Anders Wikman
[Dialogues on Work and Innovation, 3] 1996. ix, 198 pp.
Subjects Industrial & organizational studies
Beyond Theory: Changing organizations through participation
Edited by Stephen Toulmin and Bjørn Gustavsen
[Dialogues on Work and Innovation, 2] 1996. viii, 233 pp.
Subjects Industrial & organizational studies
Making knowledge actionable: From theoretical centralism to distributive constructivism Concepts and Transformation 9:2, pp. 147–180 | Article
2004 All concepts applied in social research have two sources of meaning: other words and practical experience. Making knowledge (more) actionable implies increasing the emphasis on the practical. This increase, however, is no simple process to be carried through as a turnaround operation. Rather, the… read more
Participation and local organisation Action Research in Workplace Innovation and Regional Development, Fricke, Werner and Peter Totterdill (eds.), pp. 15–42 | Article
2004 Cases and social movements: Some further contributions to the dialogue Concepts and Transformation 9:1, pp. 93–101 | Miscellaneous
2004 Contemporary action research is facing three major challenges: The need to deal with a future that can no longer be understood in terms of the past, the need to create processes that can involve large numbers of other actors and the need to link the practical results of action research to the… read more
Action research and the problem of the single case Concepts and Transformation 8:1, pp. 93–99 | Miscellaneous
2003 In his article in Volume 7, No.2 of Concepts and Transformation, Greenwood lays the ground for a self-critical review of action research. This is very much called for but there is a need to avoid this review becoming a revival of yesterday’s “famous cases”. Major parts of today’s action research… read more
2. Creating a framework for enterprise R&D Researching Enterprise Development: Action Research on the cooperation between management and labour in Norway, Levin, Morten (ed.), pp. 15–28 | Chapter
2002 Constructing new organizational realities: The role of research Concepts and Transformation 7:3, pp. 237–260 | Article
2002 The emergence of network society implies that all actors face new demands, research being no exception. In processes of interactive learning, together with other actors, research can no longer claim exclusive domains. Instead, it has to become a general innovation partner. Innovation partner is,… read more
Chapter 6. Contemporary European developments Creating Connectedness: The role of social research in innovation policy, Gustavsen, Bjørn, Håkon Finne and Bo Oscarsson, pp. 101–114 | Chapter
2001 Towards social partnership: Trends in Norwegian workplace development programs Concepts and Transformation 6:2, pp. 195–208 | Article
2001 The article presents the most recent workplace development program in Norway, called Value Creation 2010. With the notion of broad employee participation on enterprise level at its core, the program aims at creating and sustaining learning networks between enterprises and at strengthening regional… read more
Chapter 4. Social partnership and workplace development Creating Connectedness: The role of social research in innovation policy, Gustavsen, Bjørn, Håkon Finne and Bo Oscarsson, pp. 73–84 | Chapter
2001 Chapter 5. Research and the challenges of working life Creating Connectedness: The role of social research in innovation policy, Gustavsen, Bjørn, Håkon Finne and Bo Oscarsson, pp. 85–100 | Chapter
2001 1. A Norwegian Initiative for a Tripartite Development Program Concepts and Transformation 5:1, pp. 125–131 | Article
Creating a New European Development Agenda: Learning across Cultures Concepts and Transformation 4:1, pp. 11–21 | Article
1999 The article presents a new European collaborative project, building on experience of regional development coalitions across Europe. Globalization is complemented by regionalization, and the emergence of new structures between the levels of individual enterprises and national governments.… read more
Introduction The End of Organization Theory?: Language as a tool in action research and organizational development, Pålshaugen, Øyvind, pp. 1–10 | Article
1999 Work Organization and Europe as a Development Coalition Concepts and Transformation 3:1/2, pp. 153–162 | Article
1998 Chapter IX: Concluding Remaks Development Coalitions in Working Life: The ‘Enterprise Development 2000’ Program in Norway, Gustavsen, Bjørn, Tom Colbjørnsen and Øyvind Pålshaugen (eds.), pp. 145–150 | Chapter
1998 Chapter I: Enterprise Development 2000: A program for distributive and interactive learning Development Coalitions in Working Life: The ‘Enterprise Development 2000’ Program in Norway, Gustavsen, Bjørn, Tom Colbjørnsen and Øyvind Pålshaugen (eds.), pp. 1–22 | Chapter
1998 1. Development and the Social Sciences: An uneasy relationship Beyond Theory: Changing organizations through participation, Toulmin, Stephen and Bjørn Gustavsen (eds.), pp. 5–30 | Chapter
1996 Is Theory Useful? Concepts and Transformation 1:1, pp. 63–77 | Article
1996 The point about a 'Scientific theorY' has traditionally been that it provides a 'guarantee of truth.' While it has, on the one hand, proved difficult to establish such theory within fields like work, organization and leadership, the growing competition and complexity facing most modern… read more
Concept-Driven Change: The Core Element in a National Workplace Development Program Concepts and Transformation 1:2/3, pp. 193–211 | Article
1996 Sweden experienced a strong increase in productivity during the first part of the 1990s. Data from the Swedish Working Life Fund show that the productivity increase is linked to changes in work organization. These changes did not break with the Swedish tradition of expanding on work roles and the… read more