According to the Language into Act Theory, reference units in speech have a pragmatic nature: they correspond to the activation of sensory-motor schemas leading to the performance of different speech acts. Our background is the affective and psychic motivations of the Human Birth Theory (Fagioli,… read more
The paper sketches the Language into Act Theory and how it catches the difference between the Navy monologue and the Hearts dialogue. According to L-AcT, two types of reference units, both ending with a prosodic terminal break are identified: utterance matching with a single speech act and stanza… read more
The paper briefly presents the Language into Act Theory (L-AcT) that relies on two primary assumptions: (a) the pragmatic basis of Information Structure (IS); (b) a strict correspondence between prosodic units and information units. The study of IS requires the identification of the proper… read more
The paper presents the definition of the TOPIC information unit within the Language into Act Theory (L-AcT) and the prosodic and informational criteria used for its recovery in spontaneous speech corpora: Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish and American English. The TOPIC develops the… read more
In comparison with writing the performance of spontaneous speech is characterized by a strong reduction of the syntax , anyway a clear and general representation of speech syntax does not emerge with evidence from literature. Our framework , the theory of Language into Act (L-AcT), which is an… read more