Satya S. Pachori
List of John Benjamins publications for which Satya S. Pachori plays a role.
The Language Policy of the East India Company and the Asiatic Society of Bengal Language Problems and Language Planning 14:2, pp. 104–118 | Article
1990 La lingva politiko de la Orientindia Kompanio kaj la Azia Societo de Bengalio La referajo traktas la lingvan politikon de la Orientindia Kompanio, kiel tio fontis el la administra politiko de la unua generate gubernatoro de Bengalio, Warren Hastings, kaj la fondigo de la Azia Societo de Bengalio… read more
Language Policy of the East India Company and the Asiatic Society of Bengal Papers in the History of Linguistics: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS III), Princeton, 19–23 August 1984, Aarsleff, Hans, L.G. Kelly and Hans-Josef Niederehe (eds.), pp. 377–378 | Article