Federica Vezzani
List of John Benjamins publications for which Federica Vezzani plays a role.
Variation in psychopathological terminology: A case study on Body Dysmorphic Disorder Terminology, Ideology and Discourse, Peruzzo, Katia and Paola Catenaccio (eds.), pp. 81–106 | Article
2024 Representing specialized knowledge in the medical domain implies considering the dynamism of scientific and technological progress. The advancement of knowledge on diseases goes hand in hand with the reconceptualization processes undertaken by experts with consequent conceptual evolutions and… read more
ISO standards for terminology resources management: Are they FAIR enough? The Role of ISO/TC 37 Standards for Translators, Interpreters, Terminologists and Beyond, Kockaert, Hendrik J. (ed.), pp. 233–252 | Article
2023 The ‘FAIR terminology’ paradigm is the first initiative that aims to establish a strong interrelation between the FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) principles, promoted at the European level to foster the Open Science movement, and the specifications advocated… read more
Methodology for the standardization of terminological resources: Design of TriMED database to support multi-register medical communication Terminology 26:2, pp. 265–297 | Article
2020 Terminology standardization reflects two different aspects involving the meaning of terms and the structure of terminological resources. In this paper, we focus on the structural aspect of standardization and we present the work of re-modeling TriMED, a multilingual terminological database… read more