Peter Hagoort

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Hagoort plays a role.


Hagoort, Peter 2017 The neural basis for primary and acquired language skillsDevelopmental Perspectives in Written Language and Literacy: In honor of Ludo Verhoeven, Segers, Eliane and Paul van den Broek (eds.), pp. 17–27 | Chapter
Reading is a cultural invention that needs to recruit cortical infrastructure that was not designed for it (cultural recycling of cortical maps). In the case of reading both visual cortex and networks for speech processing are recruited. Here I discuss current views on the neurobiological… read more
Ruiter, J.P. de, Matthijs L. Noordzij, Sarah Newman-Norlund, Roger Newman-Norlund, Peter Hagoort, Stephen C. Levinson and Ivan Toni 2012 Exploring the cognitive infrastructure of communicationExperimental Semiotics: Studies on the emergence and evolution of human communication, Galantucci, Bruno and Simon Garrod (eds.), pp. 51–78 | Article
Human communication is often thought about in terms of transmitted messages in a conventional code like a language. But communication requires a specialized interactive intelligence. Senders have to be able to perform recipient design, while receivers need to be able to do intention recognition,… read more
Ruiter, J.P. de, Matthijs L. Noordzij, Sarah Newman-Norlund, Roger Newman-Norlund, Peter Hagoort, Stephen C. Levinson and Ivan Toni 2010 Exploring the cognitive infrastructure of communicationExperimental Semiotics: A new approach for studying the emergence and the evolution of human communication, Galantucci, Bruno and Simon Garrod (eds.), pp. 51–77 | Article
Human communication is often thought about in terms of transmitted messages in a conventional code like a language. But communication requires a specialized interactive intelligence. Senders have to be able to perform recipient design, while receivers need to be able to do intention recognition,… read more